If you think location matters when it comes to owning a home, you are right, especially if your home is near a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods market! This is according to analysts at
Zillow.com. Similar to owning a home near a Starbucks, homes near a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods appreciate much faster. "By the end of 2014, homes within a mile of either store were worth more than twice as much as the median home in the rest of the country", according to Zillow analysts.
So the next time you are searching for a home to buy, it might worthwhile to do a little research on the area to see what new stores might be coming to town. The local town hall or even a Google search might reveal the future development plans for the area. Regardless of where you buy, it is always wise to do your own research apart from your real estate agent's often biased opinions!
You can read the entire Zillow article