Top 10 Home Improvement Ideas

1. Spend an hour with a pro. Many realtors offer a consultation service that includes them visiting your home. If your budget allows, go above and beyond and consult with an interior decorator as well. You don't have to use either to finalize and process your sale but their input could be valuable when staging your house.
2. Some other home improvement ideas when selling your house include painting. Adding an accent wall to your home could finalize your next showing and is cost effective. Freshly painted rooms look updated, clean and make your home desirable. Remember that neutral color pallets appeal to the most people.
3. Save the popcorn for the moves. When looking for home improvement ideas when selling your house, a frequently visited theme you will find is to remove the popcorn ceilings! Popcorn overhead textures are outdated, collect dust and can become an allergen hazard. Getting rid of it is fairly inexpensive, too. A few calls to painting business's in your local area will give you the best idea of what you should or should not pay.
4. Replace carpets and rugs! There's nothing worse than seeing a freshly painted house on the market for sale with updated appliances and worn out rugs! In fact, if you can - go hardwood or tile.
5. Use No More Agent. No More Agent provides comprehensive plans and consultation for home improvement ideas when selling your house by owner. We will take you from start to finish and have you turning over the largest possible profit for your real estate in no time. Don't waste your time over paying agents and realty companies - we are here to help.
Current Home Improvement Ideas & Trends (Extra)
Energy Efficient Toilet - Suitable for all price ranges, low-flow toilets use less than a gallon to flush while older models can take almost two gallons. Not only do they take significantly less water -- which is good news for your wallet -- but they are also less likely to stop up.
Private Sewage Pump - The biggest benefit for a private sewage pump is that it can open up and reduce the cost of building on lots that might not have sewage immediately available. As the sewage goes into the resident tank, the private pump then pushes it out to an available sewer line. This is perfect for homes that sit above or below a line, such as in mountainous terrain.
LED Light Bulbs - LED light bulbs have the potential to save big money and last for very long periods of time. On average, you can end up saving anywhere from $10 - $30 a month. Note: There have been many warnings about the damaging side effects of LEDS to the eyes. Before installing make sure to light rooms with the proper lumens as to not over saturate the exposure.